Friday, October 28, 2011

How to Learn Thai Massage

How to Learn Thai Massage

The practice of Thai massage is a complex massage method that requires several skills. Techniques used include gentle rocking, yogic stretches, and rhythmic compressions accupressure along energy lines (Sen), which are very similar to Chinese energy meridians. There are various resources that you can use to help learn the methods used by Thai massage practitioners. There are videos and books you can use for introducing yourself to the methods, but this needs to be complemented by taking coursework at a school that has experienced practitioners. This guide on how to learn Thai massage presents you with a gradual, but sure, approach for acquiring the skills of Thai massage practitioners so you can help others to relieve pain and feel better.

You can begin the process of learning about Thai massage by doing two things - seeing videos that can be found on YouTube and by learning about Thai massage from the book that is mentioned below in Step 1 of this how-to. From your reading and video instruction, you should get a general idea of the application of this technique and about Thai medicine, which will help you focus on the physical techniques when you take coursework. The investment of time in the reading will take 1-2 weeks. Short duration and longer duration courses in Thai massage are discussed in Step 2 below. Finally, advice is given on how to get the most out of your learning experience.

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